A subject you enjoyed to study

My favorite subject is biology, since I started studying it in high school I loved everything related to biology; I like it a lot because I can understand how our body works, plants, animals; how cells are responsible for everything to stay well in our body seems very magical to me. This time in college we have only studied cell biology which I find impressive, how we are made up of small cells and that each one has a function in our body. I have always liked science so I was very happy when I started taking biology in high school, the same thing happened to me in college. But for me the biology classes at the university are not so much fun, maybe it is because of the context of the online classes because we are just looking at the screen and listen to the teacher talking, but still I have fun learning, during these two years I have learned many new things and also how some things I knew have been changing, with the advancement of science and research every day something new is di...