An expert in your field that you admire

Cecilia Hidalgo is a very well known person in science, she was the first woman to receive the national science prize and is currently the director of the FONDAP Center for Molecular Studies of the Cell, at the School of Medicine. 

As well as a full professor at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. I admire her very much because she shows me that a Chilean woman can be very successful in science.

Dr.Hidalgo is a biochemist and the first doctor of science at the University of Chile. She did her post-doctorate at the National Institutes of Health and was a Guggenheim Fellowship recipient.

She returned to Chile at the end of 1983, and has been a professor at the Center for Scientific Studies and the School of Medicine since 1984.

Cecilia Hidalgo has more than 70 publications in international journals. Her current work is the study of the molecular mechanisms that are activated by transient increases in intracellular calcium concentration in neurons and in skeletal and cardiac muscle.


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