
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

A meal or food I really like

I don't really have a favorite kind of food, it's very hard to choose one when I like almost all of them; I really like pasta, with tomato sauce, cream and mushrooms or just with cheese, there are so many different ways to eat pasta that I love, I also really like pizza, mashed potatoes and rice. I am a vegetarian so, I eat a lot of vegetables and legumes, my favorites are broccoli, cabbage and black beans, my mom cooks very well so everything she makes is delicious and that's why I like so many different kinds of food. Now we are in tangerine season, I love tangerines, they are my favorite fruit along with raspberries. I also love chocolate it's something I couldn't live without. As I am a vegetarian I care a lot about having a balanced diet so I eat fruits and vegetables every day, plus I eat legumes quite often. Since I stopped eating meat I feel more energetic and much healthier.

My Favorite Piece of Technology

 My cell phone is one of the most important objects for me and my favorite, my first cell phone I think I had it when I was 7 years old and since then I have not stopped using it. I love all the functions you can do today on a cell phone, before you could only call or send messages.But now you can take pictures, play games, watch series even buy things. I look at my cell phone as soon as I wake up and it´s the last thing I use when I go to sleep, most of the time I use it to watch instagram, listen to music or send texts by WhatsApp, I also take a lot of pictures of my pet. My cell phone keeps me connected with my friends and informs me about what´s going on in the world, especially now that we are in a pandemic and you can´t have physical contact with others. I totally recommend having a cell phone as it changes your live.