Why did i choose my major?

 I am an only child and when I was little I had no children around to play with, so I played alone with my toys.Since I was a little girl I liked animals and I played that I was the veterinarian of my stuffed animals, I also liked barbies and making clothes for them, at that time I dreamed of being a veterinarian or being a fashion designer when I grew up. 

As I grew up I wasn't sure what profession I wanted, but it had to be something related to biology and chemistry since they were the subjects I liked the most. 

I looked for science related careers and found biochemistry and it became my first choice as it had everything I liked, my second choice was veterinary medicine because my love for animals never left. When I applied to college I stayed in my first choice and was very happy.

Despite that I have only had online classes and not seeing my classmates in person I have, made several friends and even though the college experience has been very stressful I am not giving up because I am fulfilling my dream of being in college and in the career I love. 

In the future I would like to work in scientific research about diseases or something related to environmental care.


  1. I love animals too! I think biochemistry is a very interesting carrer, when I postulated for university I have no idea about that carrer , maybe I would be studying biochemistry too.


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