English 4, Post 6, 'Time Travel to the future'

 In this blog I have to write about something I don't like very much, traveling to the future, would I like to travel to the future? No, the future scares me, it scares me to know that climate change ended life, that maybe in the future people will be suffering from lack of water and pollution. But this blog is about traveling to the future so I will have to write something, even if I don't like it.

I would like to travel 30 years ahead, to see if mankind did something against global warming, to see if the animals that are now in danger of extinction still exist. But I should be careful because movies have taught that you can't meet yourself when you travel back in time because that would be fatal. I would also like to know if my family and friends are okay, to know if something bad happened to them so that when I go back in time I can try to fix it. I would also like to know how I am doing, if I accomplished my goals, if I finished college. What I would hate about traveling 30 years into the future would be to see that my pet is gone, yet I wouldn't want to find out when he passed away either because when I go back to the past I would only be thinking about how many days until that happens.

I would not like to stay in that time, I would like to go back, to try to make the necessary changes that the world lacks to survive the climate crisis, that is something difficult, but nothing is lost by trying, right?


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